Jan Lucanus training while holding son Jet Lucanus with dog Thor McDougal.

Caring for Weight: Benefits of a Decade Training Martial Arts with My Son ☯️💪

Jan Lucanus


I hope your 2024 is off to a beautiful start. Today I want to share a concept that profoundly changed the way I perceive weight. I learned this concept during exercise routines that I did holding my son when he was 0–2 years old. I released a trailer last week to give you an idea of what to expect, and here is the complete set of exercises, with WHY the thinking behind them are important for all entrepreneurs, martial artists and athletes described under the link:

This video is a decade in the making, training with my child as a means to share time and instill basic martial arts in him from birth. It was an emotional experience editing this footage, as I recall how much consideration went into optimizing my time with my son to build our relationship and augment my training simultaneously. Those learnings have enhanced every aspect of my abilities as a martial artist, leading to a core principle I teach: CARING FOR WEIGHT.

To care about the weight you carry — for example, during weightlifting or grappling — will deepen your vision into the object you’re lifting, give you more data on the weight including emotional insight, and overall expand your awareness.

The implications of this newfound level of care are enormous, and have directly impacted by behavior as a person and as a citizen of earth. To understand the needs of a person in front of you and take immediate helpful action without too much thinking is an admirable trait indeed, and one that this training has helped me refine and implement into my work and a brand theme. I now develop content, strategy, and processes around care in my niche of media production.

Your kids (or animals, or even plants) can be the key to supercharging your sense of care.

I’ve known parents that use their kids as an excuse to not accomplish something, rather than allow their kids to energize their goals, especially when it comes to exercise. You don’t need to get away from your kids to train, you can do it with them. You can win with them. These quiet moments training with my son, as well as our dog Thor and cat Bodhi whom would often tag along, are a reminder of the monk-like mentality that I believe is pivotal for the path of a martial artist, and at the same time, offers ideas to the more casual practitioner that wants to get a dynamic workout while being with their kids.

I’ll be releasing individual segments from the full video above daily over the next week for ease of access, each of which will be on this playlist. I hope you enjoy and please share with a parent that may benefit from it!

As usual, I love hearing from you, so always feel free to share thoughts, ideas, or ask questions. Thanks for your continued expanding awareness on our shared journey.

More Chi & Love,

Coach Jan Lucanus



Jan Lucanus

Film, Tech & Tai Chi. CEO at ReelwUrld and Creative Impulse Entertainment. 2nd generation comic book philosopher. I also rap.